In case you were wondering,
It’s RJ.
Head coach at Fit Club.
The gym with fun, kinda crazy people.
Who sometimes dress in weird outfits.
And work out on “the blue”.
Just wanted to give you a heads up.
This Monday we’re starting a 5 day challenge.
It’s called the 5 day kick start.
What’s all the fuzz about?
5 days.
1 task per day.
That’s it,
If you can do a simple task per day for 5 days…
You can do this challenge.
Obviously you won’t transform your body.
But it’s the jump start you need to keep going.
Don’t overthink it.
Let’s take it slow.
One step at a time.
If you were looking for a sign to get started.
This is it.
Reply to this email if you want a spot.
I’ll personally message you the link to sign up.
Can’t wait to meet you.