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Monday (1300 calories):

  1. Breakfast (400 calories):

  • Egg white omelette with vegetables (spinach, bell peppers, onions)

  • 1 scoop of protein powder mixed with water

  1. Lunch (400 calories):

  • Grilled chicken breast

  • Mixed green salad with a light vinaigrette dressing

  1. Snack (100 calories):

  • Raw vegetables (carrot sticks, cucumber) with hummus

  1. Dinner (400 calories):

  • Baked chicken thighs

  • Steamed broccoli and cauliflower

Tuesday (1300 calories): Follow the same meal plan as Monday.

Wednesday (1600 calories):

  1. Breakfast (500 calories):

  • Protein smoothie (1 scoop protein powder, water, ice)

  • Egg white omelette with spinach and tomatoes

  1. Lunch (500 calories):

  • Grilled chicken salad with mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, and a light vinaigrette dressing

  1. Snack (100 calories):

  • Greek yogurt with a handful of berries

  1. Dinner (500 calories):

  • Baked chicken breast with quinoa

  • Steamed asparagus

Thursday (1300 calories): Follow the same meal plan as Monday.

Friday (1300 calories): Follow the same meal plan as Monday.

Saturday (1600 calories): Follow the same meal plan as Wednesday.

Sunday (1300 calories): Follow the same meal plan as Monday.

Pre-meal Shake (before each meal):

  • Ingredients:

  • 1 cup spinach

  • 1 scoop of supplement powder

  • Ice cubes

  • Water

  • Instructions:

  • Blend all the ingredients until smooth.

  • Consume before each main meal.

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Meal 1 (Breakfast):

  • 4 egg whites scrambled with spinach and tomatoes (200g)

  • 1 medium-sized apple

  • 1 scoop of protein powder (mixed with water)

Meal 2 (Snack):

  • Greek yogurt (200g) with 50 g of mixed berries

  • 1 tablespoon of almond butter

Meal 3 (Lunch):

  • Grilled chicken breast (150g) with a side of roasted vegetables (broccoli, bell peppers, and zucchini)

  • 1 cup of quinoa (cooked)

Meal 4 (Afternoon Snack):

  • Cottage cheese (150g) with sliced cucumber and cherry tomatoes

  • 1 medium-sized pear

Meal 5 (Dinner):

  • Baked or grilled chicken thighs (200g) with a side of steamed asparagus and sweet potatoes

  • Mixed green salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing

Meal 6 (Evening Snack):

  • 1 scoop of protein powder (mixed with water or almond milk)

  • 30 grams of almonds

This meal plan provides approximately 1600 calories, with 40% of calories from protein, 30% from carbohydrates, and 30% from fats. Adjust the portion sizes or ingredients based on your personal preferences and nutritional needs. Additionally, be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated.

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Ready to dive deep into these transformative tips? 🚀 Click the link now to watch the full video and revolutionize your fitness journey! ➡️ 💻💥

Discover the game-changing "Don't Gain a Pound" method for fitness, weight, and fat loss! 💪✨

🚀 Ready for a sneak peek? Here's a quick summary:

1️⃣ Workout Daily: Jumpstart your day with a daily workout routine!

2️⃣ GREEAN’s First Meal: Blend it up for a nutritious start and stay strong against tempting treats!

3️⃣ Get Mobile: Opt for coffee and talk dates with friends instead of sit-down dinners!

4️⃣ Protein Snacks: Keep them handy to resist the allure of takeout!

5️⃣ Simplify Your Fridge: Stock up on pickles, celery, diet drinks, pre-made chickens & salads for quick, healthy options!

Ready to dive deep into these transformative tips? 🚀 Click the link now to watch the full video and revolutionize your fitness journey! ➡️ [Insert YouTube Link] 💻💥

🙌 Don't forget to hit that LIKE button, SHARE the video on Facebook, and COMMENT your thoughts below! Let's create a supportive community together! 💬👥

Remember, progress is progress, no matter how small. So let's get after it together and become the strongest version of ourselves. 💪💥🔥 Let's do this, guys! WOOOOO! 🙌💥

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